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Miner Services Demolition Derby

Miner Services LLC

Miner Services LLC

During rodeo/demo week (August 12th – August 16th), tickets are available at the office from 10:00 am – event close, as well as the “BLUE” gate.

We are having two nights again so we’re not so cramped and don’t run so late on a work night! The Demo Derby is a Moses Lake phenomenon-the cars are sliding, spinning, rolling, and of course CRASHING! This event is guaranteed to provide hours of entertainment for all ages.

  • Driver Check-In starts at NOON
  • Time Trials 5 – 6:30 PM (Tuesday only)
  • Heat Races 7:00 PM


Reserved Grandstand (below poles) – $25 per ticket

Reserved Grandstand (above poles) – $22 per ticket

General seating:

Adults: $20

Ages 9 & under: $5


**All participants are required to register, sign the Demo Derby release form, and pay entrance fees prior to 5:00 PM race day.

**Two or more drivers not allowed on cars except for Powder Puff and Australian Pursuit.

**Youth Race: Wednesday only; demo with balloons, and one lap race at the end; come through green gate and be at north end of arena by 5:45; same weight rules as Mutton Bustin’ (60 lbs. dressed); $30 entry fee; kids must supply their own power wheels car and helmet.

Demo Sponsor

Miner Services LLC

Power Wheel Sponsor

Power Wheels

Trophy Sponsors:

Correl Scale, ABC Hydraulic, Country Financial - Jessica Cox, Moses Lake Steel, Sarah Bullinger
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