BB, SB (limited to 48):
SW, TD, WBR (no limits) : $17,500
TR (no limits): even money @ $17,500 ($35,000 total)
BR (limited to 60): $17,500
CRC Bareback Series info Here
WBA (limited to 60: 12/perf and 24 in slack): $14,000
Rodeo Secretary – located by the bucking chutes
Contestant Chiropractor – located on-site and stationed by the bucking chutes
Entrance – please use the entrance on Paxson Drive (turn on Paxson from Valley Rd.). AVOID THE CORNER OF CENTRAL DR. & GRAPE DR. IT IS HORRIBLE TO NAVIGATE WITH A TRAILER!! Find suggested Directions Here.
Cowboy Hospitality
- Thursday/Friday/Saturday- food and beverages are available all afternoon and evening
- Friday- breakfast will be available before slack in the Loadin' Chute
- Saturday-Cowboy Social- you and your family are welcome to come to the tent south of the arena for a catered meal and drinks.
Thursday night is cancer night, but it isn’t “pink” night. It is now “white out to wipe out.” So, white shirts if you want to participate!
If you have any questions, please call the rodeo office: (509) 765-6393.